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Incremed Guard

Incremed Guard is a monitoring and warning system that tracks the position of all team members in the operating room and allows the prevention of surgical site infection.

Incremed Guard Incremed Guard Incremed Guard Incremed Guard Incremed Guard Incremed Guard

One Less Thing to Worry About

Human errors leading to infections and complications are preventable. Incremed Guard supports the surgical team by taking over the duty of monitoring the sterile field in the OR, and alerts the team when the sterile field is at risk of being breached. This reduces the cognitive load of the healthcare professionals and enables them to fully focus on the patient and the surgery.

Real-time Monitoring and Alerting

Incremed Guard is a monitoring and warning system that continuously tracks the position of all team members in the OR. The system can be configured to distinguish between authorized and unauthorized team members. If an unauthorized person approaches the boundaries of the sterile field, an audio signal warns the team. As a result, an inadvertent contamination is prevented. Incremed Guard provides valuable support to the surgical team by protecting the sterile field and helping prevent surgical site infections.

Simple Usage

With only four clicks the sterile field is defined. Incremed Guard distinguishes between team members that are authorized to enter the sterile field and members that are not authorized to do so. For a tutorial video, click here

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