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Who is Incremed?

Built for the future

The mission of Incremed is to improve the conditio humana by increasing medical knowledge. We believe that new diagnostic and therapeutic interventions must be developed in interdisciplinary teams uniting experts from a wide range of fields.

Our team brings together world-renowned medical experts, computer scientists, data scientists, biologists, physicists, 3D artists, industrial and interaction designers, and product- and innovation-managers. Together, we build a product lineup combining the latest technological and medical advancements.

Meet the Incremed team

Till Bay

Till Bay


CEO, Co-Founder
Christoph Krautz

Christoph Krautz


Head of Research & Development
Judith Gull

Judith Gull

Senior Software Engineer
Ueli Peter

Ueli Peter


Senior Software Engineer
Samuel Hertig

Samuel Hertig


Visualization Engineer
Andreas Pedroni

Andreas Pedroni


Senior Data Scientist
Alessandro Pianezzi

Alessandro Pianezzi

Software Engineer
Patrick Wiederkehr

Patrick Wiederkehr

Project Manager
Ralf Sommerfeld

Ralf Sommerfeld


Product Manager
Pascal Behm

Pascal Behm

Biomechanical Engineer
Manuela Miksa

Manuela Miksa

Head of Design
Martina Miani

Martina Miani

Beat Hugi

Beat Hugi

Director Regulatory Affairs & Quality Management
Egemen Vardar

Egemen Vardar

Senior Software Engineer, Project Manager
Aman Aman

Aman Aman

Software Engineer
Manuela Hohnbaum

Manuela Hohnbaum

Regulatory Affairs Specialist
Marko Tepeluk

Marko Tepeluk

Professional Software Engineer
David Niggli

David Niggli

Professional Software Engineer
Muriel Keller

Muriel Keller

Rafał Wójcik

Rafał Wójcik

Jacqueline Tan

Jacqueline Tan

Senior Software Engineer

Medical advisors

Prof. Dr. med. Mazda Farshad

Prof. Dr. med. Mazda Farshad


Medical Director Balgrist University Clinic, Chief of Orthopaedics, Chief of Division of Spine Surgery, Co-Founder
Prof. Dr. med. Urs Eichenberger

Prof. Dr. med. Urs Eichenberger

Chief of Anaesthesiology